Please backup your old files and database before upgrading!
First you need to download the product package in your account area, extract the ZIP file to local computer.
Then replace in your hosting server:
General update & improvements:
-. replace file /public_html/eg_license.php
-. replace file /public_html/includes/eg_mysql.php
-. replace file /public_html/includes/eg_filter.php
-. replace file /public_html/includes/eg_cron.php
-. replace file /public_html/includes/eg_payment.php
-. replace file /public_html/includes/eg_general.php
-. replace file /public_html/includes/eg_local.php
-. replace file /public_html/includes/setting_inc.php
Remove Egopay payment:
-. remove directory /public_html/includes/payments/egopay
Remove Egopay withdrawal:
-. remove directory /public_html/includes/withdrawals/egopay
Update database backup:
-. replace file /public_html/admin/includes/manage_backup.php
Update blockchain payment module:
-. Upload directory /public_html/includes/payments/blockchain/
Added HTTP API to feature of Sms notification:
-. replace file /public_html/includes/eg_mail.php
-. replace file /public_html/admin/includes/config_sms.php
-. replace file /public_html/includes/languages/admin/config_sms.php
-. replace file /public_html/includes/languages/indonesia/config_sms.php
-. replace file /public_html/themes/***folder_name***/admin/admin_config_sms.html
Upgrading Smarty template engine to version 3:
Optional, Do not update if you are not able to replace all files below.
-. Replace all template file /public_html/themes/
-. Replace file /public_html/includes/eg_templater.php
-. Upload directory /public_html/includes/smarty/
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