egInvestment is able to work multi languages. For easy translation, all phrases/messages of egInvestment are contained within language files inside folder "includes/languages/***language name***/".
For example an English language:
The translation files will be in "includes/languages/english/" and the folder might be contains:
- admin (folder)
- frontpage (folder)
- member (folder)
- admin.php (translation specific for Admin Area)
- general.php (translation for general purpose)
- member.php (translation specific for Member Area)
- menus.php (translation for menus in installation; no need to change)
You can also add more translation file, by knowing the rule:
Translation file is work with the name of template file.
Example: If you wish to add more text for "english" language in Member Area -> Account setting.
The template file will be "member_setting.html" in folder "themes/***template name***/member/"
Then create a translation file named "member_setting.php" in folder "includes/languages/english/member/"
So, the name of translation file must be same with the template name.
More example (Member Area):
Templates location: "themes/***template name***/member/"
Translation location: "includes/languages/english/member/"
- Template file : member_sponsor.html, then the translation file will be member_sponsor.php
- Template file : member_testimony.html, then the translation file will be member_testimony.php
- Template file : member_tree.html, then the translation file will be member_tree.php
More example (Frontpage):
Templates location: "themes/***template name***/frontpage/"
Translation location: "includes/languages/english/frontpage/"
- Template file : page_business.html, then the translation file will be page_business.php
- Template file : page_news.html, then the translation file will be page_news.php
- Template file : page_register.html, then the translation file will be page_register.php
More example (Admin Area):
Templates location: "themes/***template name***/admin/"
Translation location: "includes/languages/english/admin/"
- Template file : admin_access.html, then the translation file will be admin_access.php
- Template file : admin_add.html, then the translation file will be admin_add.php
- Template file : admin_home.html, then the translation file will be admin_home.php
Then... How to edit the translation? Please see the examples below:
define ('_BUTTON_REGISTER', 'Register »');
then change to:
define ('_BUTTON_REGISTER', 'Join »');
More example:
define ('_BUTTON_ADD_MEMBER', 'Add member »');
change to:
define ('_BUTTON_ADD_MEMBER', 'Register member »');
You only need to change the bold text! And be sure the quotation mark is still there!
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