Download the product package in your account area, extract the ZIP file to local computer.
Then replace in your hosting server:
Update version, replace file:
-. replace file /public_html/eg_license.php
Improvements of the responsive templates:
-. upload folder /public_html/js/
-. upload folder /public_html/themes/
Improvements of ads features:
-. replace file /public_html/includes/eg_ads.php
Improvements of frontpage design:
-. replace file /public_html/includes/stats_inc.php
-. replace file /public_html/includes/languages/english/general.php
-. replace file /public_html/includes/languages/indonesia/general.php
Improvements of investment features:
-. upload /public_html/update.php. and Run
-. replace file /public_html/investments.php
-. replace file /public_html/admin/includes/deposit_config.php
-. replace file /public_html/includes/languages/admin/deposit_config.php
-. replace file /public_html/modules/members_deposit.php
-. replace file /public_html/includes/eg_investment.php
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