1. A webserver with php 5 or higher (If you're curious about what version you have, run the tester.php script which comes with this release)
2. ionCube Loader is required by PHP
3. CURL must be installed and be compiled into PHP
4. Php GD and imagettftext Library to run feature Captcha code
5. Php register_globals = off
6. MySQL
7. You must have sendmail or Smtp installed
If you are unsure whether your hosting meets these requirements, please contact your host company for confirmation.
1. Unzip the distribution of the script. To do this you will need an unzipping utility.
2. Copy your license file (eg_license.php) to script folder
3. Using your favorite FTP client or webhosting control panel file manager, upload all files to root folder of your website.
Depending on your hosting, it may be named "public_html", "www", "mainwebsite_html", "htdocs" or something like that.
Special for file "/includes/html_encoder_1.9.php" upload the file in Binary because it is a binary file, uploading in ASCII will cause error.
4. Browse to
5. Follow Web Based Setup script instructions;
If the setup script requires, the following folders must be made writeable for the script:
* config_inc.php
* uploads/banners/
* uploads/classifieds/
* uploads/files/
* uploads/images/
* uploads/photos/
* uploads/pictures/
This usually means CHMOD to permissions 707, 770 or 777. Which one will depend on your server configuration.
Try 707, if you get an error in the installation procedure you can change it to 777. Please do chmod only if the setup script requires.
6. Once you get "Setup Finished" screen:
* delete "install" directory in public_html for security
* go to Admin control panel ( to set all parameters
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