Tutorials in Website general


Tutorials in Website general:


Our Webhosting is using CPanel as the control panel to manage your hosting account, you can find the User Guide here...

First you need visit http://www.google.com/analytics/ to get the javascript code. Then paste the code in page_index.html of your html template. It is not need to put the code in every html templates, because file page_index.html is used as main template for another template files. Take attention in pasting the javascript code, you need to put {literal} before the code and {/literal} at the end. This is needed to avoid error with the smarty template system. Example: {literal} // var _gaq = _gaq || []; _gaq.push(['_setAccount', 'UA-5419033-2']); _gaq.push(['_trackPageview']); (function() { var ga = document.createElement('script'); ga.type = 'text/javascript'; ga.async = true; ga.src = ('https:' == document.location.protocol ? 'https://ssl' : 'http://www') + '.google-analytics.com/ga.js'; var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(ga, s); })(); // ]]> ... Javascript Blocks here...{/literal}

  Update your script constantly Secure admin email address Delete the installation files Change file & folder permissions Use secured FTP access Ensure the presence of .htaccess file Change your admin directory, do not allow others know it Use strong passwords & Change your passwords regularly Do not edit the script if you don't know how to secure it Do not install other script if you dont know how secure it is Stay away from nulled scripts   Other tips that might be useful: Backup your website frequently Use a secure Web server / Web hosting Use SSL for control panel ( Admin, Member also Webhosting Cpanel) Do not use a large and shared web hosting account/ especially free hosting account Learn and learn to find best protection for yourself.

You can easily create e-mail accounts from your hosting account Control Panel (cPanel). Here is what you need to do: 1. Log into your cPanel2. Once at the main page, click on the Email Accounts icon   3. In the fields provided, type the name of the account, the password and the disk space you would like to assign to the mailbox 4. Click the [Create] button to create the mailbox. You will be taken to a page which asks you for confirmation. Click on Yes to create the mailbox

First, login to your CPanel account. If you don’t have your username and password, you’ll need to contact your web hosting provider.   Once you’ve logged in, select MySQL databases from the list. Keep in mind that your Cpanel account may be using a skin or different theme, so it will not always look exactly like the screenshot below.     In order to create a new database you need to enter the desired name for the database in the New Database field and click on the Create Database button as shown below: A confirmation screen will be displayed, informing that the database has been successfully created: The MySQL database is created with your username as prefix - username_databasename and this is the name you have to use for your application. You can click on the Go Back button to return to the database management screen.   Creating a MySQL Username You can continue with the creation of a user who should be able to connect t...

Besides buying a book about "learning html", the free and easy way is to learn HTML on some website as below: w3schools.com htmlcodetutorial.com html.net  

Instructions for using FTP clients may vary, depending on which client you wish to use. We recommend FileZilla, which has a very intuitive interface and is freely distributed. FileZilla Tutorial This tutorial will show you how to use FileZilla to upload your website. FileZilla is a powerful and free software for transferring files over the Internet. FileZilla is a very popular FTP client and is used by webmasters from all over the world. Here you can download FileZilla software.   How to use FileZilla FTP client Once you have the FileZilla client downloaded and activated on your computer, enter the domain name in the address field (you can also use the server's IP address). The username and the password you need to type in are the same as the ones you use to log in to your cPanel. The FTP port is 21 and is filled in automatically. Click Quickconnect and the file listing will appear. Find the www (it is a symbolic link to public_html) directory and doubl...

Data exchange has been important from the early days of computing. A popular means of data exchange is connecting computers to one another. The File Transfer Protocol (FTP) is used to transfer files between two computers over a network and Internet. In this article we will look at how to work with FTP a client. What is FTP? When you want to copy files between two computers that are on the same local network, often you can simply "share" a drive or folder, and copy the files the same way you would copy files from one place to another on your own PC. What if you want to copy files from one computer to another that is halfway around the world? You would probably use your Internet connection. However, for security reasons, it is very uncommon to share folders over the Internet. File transfers over the Internet use special techniques, of which one of the oldest and most widely-used is FTP. FTP, short for "File Transf...

 What is a cron job? The cron daemon is a long running process that executes commands at specific dates and times. To schedule one-time only tasks with cron, use at or batch. For commands that need to be executed repeatedly (e.g. hourly, daily or weekly). How to start Cron We will provide here instructions for CPanel-based control panel. I hope you will be able to find equivalent controls if your hosting uses different panel software. Login into your webhosting control panel (http://example.com/cpanel/). You will see a screen like: Click to Cron Jobs link. It may be also hidden in Tools or Advanced submenu. You will see screen offering you to choose your expirience level. Choose Advanced. You will see the following screen: Into the empty bottom line, enter: Minute = 0 Hour = * (every hour) Day = * (means every day) Month = * Weekday = * Command = wget -qb http://yourdomain.com/cron.php Of course, replace yourdomain.com to your actua...

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Danny Blaise from Malaysia:
 I am very satisfied with the services and responses that I get from all of the EGN team. They never stop helping me although I always ask them questions almost everyday. Can you imagine how irritating it is if the support team of other site get me as their client. But EGN is different because customer is always first to them and they give highly motivated support to me. Thank you EGN Team Regards, Danny Blaise 

Latest News

February 12, 2025:
An update of egMLM + Revenue Sharing is available (v1.2). egMLM + Revenue Sharing is getting better with improvement and new features such as: Now developed with PHP 8 Clean URL for frontpage & online store areas Improvement with design of Admin & Members dashboard, Frontpage and Store areas. Many new payment plugins and new method of payment method New method of withdrawal request to add more security Function to send text message by SMS or WhatsApp Text Message Security improvement on the shopping cart and the payment options. Security patches for members area and admin area Improvement with all Genealogy Trees Improvement Revolving matrix & Regular matrix Improvement with Revenue Sharing functions Improvement with TinyMCE content editor Improvement with Email Auto Follow Up Improvement with Admin functions & details Improvement with menus Improvement with Online store Improvement with error reporting And other improvements and fixes, please visit demo of egMLM + Revenue Sharing to see more Download your copyThe update is available to download in your account area and update instruction is available in product tutorials. Please lo... 
January 22, 2025:
An update of egMLM now available, The current version is 2.3 and egMLM is better with improvement and new features such as: Now work with PHP 8 Clean URL for frontpage areas Improvement with design of Admin & Members dashboard, Frontpage and Store areas. Many new payment plugins and new method of payment method New method of withdrawal request to add more security Function to send text message by SMS or WhatsApp Text Message Security improvement on the shopping cart and the payment options. Security patches for members area and admin area Improvement with all Genealogy Tree Improvement with error reporting Improvement with TinyMCE content editor Improvement with Email Auto Follow Up Improvement with Admin functions Improvement with menus And other improvements and fixes, please visit demo website to see more... Download your copyThe update is available to download in your account area and update instruction is available in product tutorials. Please log in to your account area to access them.   Best regards, EGN Software  
April 29, 2024:
egMember version 2.0 has been released. egMember v2.0 is a completely new software with so many new features and improvements such as: Php upgrade - Now PHP 8++ New 3 Mobile friendly templates/ Responsive Web Design Multi Membership Packages with unique configuration for each membership Powerful Bonus Options such as Unilevel bonus, Sponsor bonus, X-Up bonus, Reward point, Ranks and Pool rewards Now you can sell or offer Unlimited Articles & Downloads with multi categories and unique configurations 33 payment plugins, now supporting Bitcoin/Crypto payments, Banks, Credit cards, mobile wallet and many more Improvements with Membership Security such as IP Validation, Browser Agent Validation, Login PIN, Secure/ SSL Login, Transaction PIN Advanced mailing system: Mass email and Auto responder/ Auto follow up with configuration to send to specific users/ members or specific membership type Improvements with email and text notification. Now you can send text notification by SMS or Whatsapp directly to members mobile phone. Advanced Genealogy Tree to see downlines with easy way Improvements with ePin system for registration and member sponsoring Improvements with I... 
January 27, 2024:
An update of egMLM + Revenue Sharing is available (v1.1). egMLM + Revenue Sharing is getting better with improvement and new features such as: Improvement with Member Area security Improvement with new member Regular matrix placement Improvement with Templating system Improvement with Binary Genealogy Tree Improvement with Add downline on page Binary Genealogy Tree Fix problem with email validation on new member registration And other improvements and fixes, please visit demo of egMLM + Revenue Sharing to see more.   Download your copyThe update is available to download in your account area and update instruction is available in product tutorials. Please log in to your account area to access them.   Best regards, EGN Software 
June 16, 2023:
A new version of egMLM now available, The current version is 2.0 and egMLM is better with improvement and new features such as: New account functions: Add new options in Admin area on Downgrade members and Delete members, Admin can choose how the system manage the position in the network. New Network configuration: New member position in Binary Network, now Admin can configure the default option for new members position in the Binary tree: Automatic Outer Left or Right, Automatic Pair Left/Right, Position Left or Position  Right New withdrawal plugin: Metamaskwallet - Working with Binance Smart Chain and the custom tokens New template: Template4, New layout position and work with multi language features provided by gtranslate.io, so your website will work with many language translation. And other improvements and fixes, please visit demo website to see more...   Download your copyThe update is available to download in your account area and update instruction is available in product tutorials. Please log in to your account area to access them.   Best regards, EGN Software 

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