Tutorials in egViral Shop


Tutorials in egViral Shop:


egViral Shop version v1.7 come with features and improvements: - Improvement with Document verification upload- Improvement of strings processing- Improvement with Binary Genealogy Tree core- Improvement with ePIN code strength- Improvement with eCoupon code strength- Fixing problem on reset Admin logs- Improvement with members payments in members area- Improvement with geoIP functions- Improvement with IPv6 logging system- New payment plugin: iPay88 Malaysia- New payment plugin: iPay88 Indonesia- New payment plugin: Paystack - Africa payment gateway   How to update?--------------------------------------We recommend to create a full backup of your website (files and database) before updating to this version.Download the product package in your account area, extract the ZIP file to local computer.Then replace on your website:--------------------------------------- /public_html/eg_license.php- /public_html/includes/eg_verification.php- /public_html/includes/eg_filter.php- /public...

egViral Shop version v1.6 come with features and improvements: - Improvement with feature Manufacturer- Improvement with feature Address on checkout page- Fixing problem on a custom Shipping option- Improvement with SSL configuration- Improvement of member's photo on page testimonials- Improvement of feature member's additional field- Improvement of strings processing- and other improvements to run on php 7.3   How to update?--------------------------------------We recommend to create a full backup of your website (files and database) before updating to this version.Download the product package in your account area, extract the ZIP file to local computer.Then replace on your website:--------------------------------------- /public_html/includes/eg_license.php- /public_html/includes/eg_shops.php- /public_html/includes/eg_config.php- /public_html/includes/eg_server.php- /public_html/includes/eg_ssl.php- /public_html/includes/eg_member.php- /public_html/includes/eg_filter.php- /pub...

egViral Shop version v1.5 come with features and improvements: 1- Php upgrade - Now supporting PHP7++2- Improvement on general system language3- Improvement with language detection from visitor's web browser4- Improvement on feature backup database5- Improvement on payment processing6- Improvement on error logging7- Improvement on cron task (automation)8- Improvement on binary commission distribution9- Improvement on Pass-Up commission   How to update?--------------------------------------We recommend to create a full backup of your website (files and database) before updating to this version.Download the product package in your account area, extract the ZIP file to local computer.Then replace in your hosting server:--------------------------------------- Php file /public_html/includes/eg_license.php- Php files in /public_html/includes/- Php files in /public_html/admin/- Php files in /public_html/modules/

egViralShop version v1.4 is come with features and improvements: 1- Fixing problem on delete products for some type of Admin.2- Fixing problem of setting Membership limitation on product's configuration.3- Correcting Courier details on checkout page4- Improvement on Mailling configuration.5- Improvement on SMS configuration.6- Improvement with Blockchain payment plugin.How to update?--------------------------------------First you need to download the product package in your account area, extract the ZIP file to local computer.Then replace in your hosting server:--------------------------------------- /public_html/eg_license.php- /public_html/admin/includes/shops_products.php- /public_html/admin/includes/config_mailing.php- /public_html/admin/includes/config_sms.php- /public_html/modules/shop/shop_checkout.php- /public_html/includes/eg_shops.php- /public_html/includes//payments/blockchain/blockchain.php

Requirements: 1. A webserver with php 5.5 or higher (If you're curious about what version you have, run the tester.php script which comes with this release) 2. ionCube Loader is required by PHP 3. CURL must be installed and be compiled into PHP 4. Php GD and imagettftext Library to run feature Captcha code 5. Cron job. Tutorial click here... 6. MySQL Database, MySQL User and MySQL password. Tutorial click here... 7. You must have sendmail or Smtp installed If you are unsure whether your hosting meets these requirements, please contact your host company for confirmation. Installation: 1. Unzip the distribution of the script. To do this you will need an unzipping utility. 2. Copy your license file (eg_license.php) to script folder 3. Using your favorite FTP client or webhosting control panel file manager,  upload all files to root folder of your website. Depending on your hosting, it may be named "public_html", "www", "mainwebsite_html", "htdocs" or something like t...

egViralShop is able to work with SMS Notification to notify members to their mobile phone. To have this feature work, you will need a SMS gateway/ SMS provider to send the Text, and the provider should be able to work with "Email to SMS" or "HTTP API" that is supported by egViralShop. So you need to create account first at any SMS provider available then read they instruction about the configuration in sending sms using "Email to SMS" or "HTTP API".   Method 1) Email to SMS This method is using a feature called Email to sms, You should check if your sms provider is working with this feature! The provider has a working email address, and we must send message to this email address to send a message then the provider will forward/send SMS to recipient mobile phone. The format of email message to be sent may be different for any provider, so you may read the instruction carefully. Once you understood how they work, then go to Admin Control Panel -> Configuration - SMS Notificati...

egViralShop version v1.3 is come with features and improvements: 1- Improvement on feature "Register downline"2- Improvement on feature "Login Pin"3- Improvement with binary point distribution4- Improvement with ePin system5- Improvement with eCoupon systemHow to update?--------------------------------------First you need to download the product package in your account area, extract the ZIP file to local computer.Then replace in your hosting server:--------------------------------------- /public_html/eg_license.php- /public_html/login.php- /public_html/includes/eg_member.php- /public_html/includes/eg_epin.php- /public_html/includes/eg_ecoupon.php

The banner slides using an image as the background, you can change it by replacing the image. The image is located in folder "images" in "themes" directory. So if your theme is located in tpl1, then the image will be "/public_html/themes/tpl1/images/header_bg.jpg" You need to change the image "header_bg.jpg", make sure you keep the dimension.

First you need to download the product package in your account area, extract the ZIP file to local computer.Then replace in your hosting server:Update version, replace file:- eg_license.php Improvement on "Free member sponsor":-. replace file /public_html/themes/tpl1/admin_config_network.htmlCorrection for matrix placement on downgrade members:-. replace file /public_html/includes/eg_matrix.phpCorrection with payment on "Rank Gift":-. replace file /public_html/includes/eg_gifts.phpImprovement on "transfer logs" in admin area:-. replace file /public_html/admin/includes/log_transfer.php-. replace file /public_html/themes/tpl1/admin_log_transfer.html-. replace file /public_html/themes/tpl2/admin_log_transfer.htmlImprovement on member's "Transaction PIN":-. Upload /public_html/update.php. and Run yoursite.com/update.php-. replace file /public_html/admin/includes/account_setting.phpNew payment plugin "AdvCash": -. upload directory /public_html/includes/payments/advcash/

First you need to download the product package in your account area, extract the ZIP file to local computer.Then replace in your hosting server:Update version, replace file:- eg_license.phpImprovement with ePin system: - /public_html/includes/eg_epin.phpFixing problem when activating member on template "tpl1": -. upload folder /public_html/themes/tpl1/admin_member_account.htmlFixing captcha code problem when adding member in admin area: -. replace file /public_html/includes/eg_member.php-. replace file /public_html/admin/includes/member_add.phpFixing problem with cron job file: -. replace file /public_html/cron.php-. replace file /public_html/includes/eg_cron.phpImprovement on Binary point list in Admin area:- /public_html/admin/includes/member_binary_points.phpImprovement of membership processing:- /public_html/includes/eg_matrix.php

Pages: 12


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June 12, 2014
Charles Thomas from Usa:
 Hello, this is Charles over at stage-3 and I wanted to say thanks for all your support. I'm new at operating my business online and boy an I learning something new. Thanks to the support from EGN I was able to get the site up much faster. I have a long way to goand I know I can count on them when I need help. Thanks Guys, Charles Thomas aka....The Mail Man 

Latest News

February 12, 2025:
An update of egMLM + Revenue Sharing is available (v1.2). egMLM + Revenue Sharing is getting better with improvement and new features such as: Now developed with PHP 8 Clean URL for frontpage & online store areas Improvement with design of Admin & Members dashboard, Frontpage and Store areas. Many new payment plugins and new method of payment method New method of withdrawal request to add more security Function to send text message by SMS or WhatsApp Text Message Security improvement on the shopping cart and the payment options. Security patches for members area and admin area Improvement with all Genealogy Trees Improvement Revolving matrix & Regular matrix Improvement with Revenue Sharing functions Improvement with TinyMCE content editor Improvement with Email Auto Follow Up Improvement with Admin functions & details Improvement with menus Improvement with Online store Improvement with error reporting And other improvements and fixes, please visit demo of egMLM + Revenue Sharing to see more Download your copyThe update is available to download in your account area and update instruction is available in product tutorials. Please lo... 
January 22, 2025:
An update of egMLM now available, The current version is 2.3 and egMLM is better with improvement and new features such as: Now work with PHP 8 Clean URL for frontpage areas Improvement with design of Admin & Members dashboard, Frontpage and Store areas. Many new payment plugins and new method of payment method New method of withdrawal request to add more security Function to send text message by SMS or WhatsApp Text Message Security improvement on the shopping cart and the payment options. Security patches for members area and admin area Improvement with all Genealogy Tree Improvement with error reporting Improvement with TinyMCE content editor Improvement with Email Auto Follow Up Improvement with Admin functions Improvement with menus And other improvements and fixes, please visit demo website to see more... Download your copyThe update is available to download in your account area and update instruction is available in product tutorials. Please log in to your account area to access them.   Best regards, EGN Software  
April 29, 2024:
egMember version 2.0 has been released. egMember v2.0 is a completely new software with so many new features and improvements such as: Php upgrade - Now PHP 8++ New 3 Mobile friendly templates/ Responsive Web Design Multi Membership Packages with unique configuration for each membership Powerful Bonus Options such as Unilevel bonus, Sponsor bonus, X-Up bonus, Reward point, Ranks and Pool rewards Now you can sell or offer Unlimited Articles & Downloads with multi categories and unique configurations 33 payment plugins, now supporting Bitcoin/Crypto payments, Banks, Credit cards, mobile wallet and many more Improvements with Membership Security such as IP Validation, Browser Agent Validation, Login PIN, Secure/ SSL Login, Transaction PIN Advanced mailing system: Mass email and Auto responder/ Auto follow up with configuration to send to specific users/ members or specific membership type Improvements with email and text notification. Now you can send text notification by SMS or Whatsapp directly to members mobile phone. Advanced Genealogy Tree to see downlines with easy way Improvements with ePin system for registration and member sponsoring Improvements with I... 
January 27, 2024:
An update of egMLM + Revenue Sharing is available (v1.1). egMLM + Revenue Sharing is getting better with improvement and new features such as: Improvement with Member Area security Improvement with new member Regular matrix placement Improvement with Templating system Improvement with Binary Genealogy Tree Improvement with Add downline on page Binary Genealogy Tree Fix problem with email validation on new member registration And other improvements and fixes, please visit demo of egMLM + Revenue Sharing to see more.   Download your copyThe update is available to download in your account area and update instruction is available in product tutorials. Please log in to your account area to access them.   Best regards, EGN Software 
June 16, 2023:
A new version of egMLM now available, The current version is 2.0 and egMLM is better with improvement and new features such as: New account functions: Add new options in Admin area on Downgrade members and Delete members, Admin can choose how the system manage the position in the network. New Network configuration: New member position in Binary Network, now Admin can configure the default option for new members position in the Binary tree: Automatic Outer Left or Right, Automatic Pair Left/Right, Position Left or Position  Right New withdrawal plugin: Metamaskwallet - Working with Binance Smart Chain and the custom tokens New template: Template4, New layout position and work with multi language features provided by gtranslate.io, so your website will work with many language translation. And other improvements and fixes, please visit demo website to see more...   Download your copyThe update is available to download in your account area and update instruction is available in product tutorials. Please log in to your account area to access them.   Best regards, EGN Software 

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