Creative Commons abides by the federal Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) by responding to notices of alleged infringement that comply with the DMCA and other applicable laws. As part of our response, we may remove or disable access to material residing on a site that is controlled or operated by EGN (such as egnsoftware.com or egnhosting.com) that is claimed to be infringing, in which case we will make a good-faith attempt to contact the person who submitted the affected material so that they may make a counter notification, also in accordance with the DMCA.
If you believe that material available on our sites, including those hosted at egnhosting.com, infringes on your copyright(s),
please notify us by submitting a DMCA notice. After we receive a valid and complete notice, we will investigate, remove the
material, and make a good faith attempt to contact the user who uploaded the material, via email. Learn more about our process
Please note that we are unable to process DMCA notices that refer to sites hosted on third party servers that use self-hosted
Please follow these steps to file a notice:
To file a notice of infringing material, please provide a notification containing the following details:
Then send this notice to Contact EGN